Thursday, January 8, 2009

New Year's Resolutions...'s that time of year, and by that, I mean new year. The time where everyone decides to give up their vices, turn a new leaf and most times set unrealistic goals to achieve as a new year begins. What have I decided? Nothing to out of the ordinary, but I do suppose I should at least set some resolutions or goals for my future, right?

- Drink less pop. This is hard for me. I love my collection of Diet Dr. Pepper cans that line the shelf in my office at school. But, if I can give up my pop at school that would mean me drinking more water which is another resolution of mine. I will not, however, be giving up my pop when going out to eat any time soon.
- Read more often. This is something I love to do, yet often find myself pushing off until 10 minutes before bed time, and thus I end up crashing 3 pages into my book. This must change. Perhaps, I'll even join the family book club at school. They read good stuff so don't go thinking I'm going to be reading boring stuff.
- Worry less? Okay, I'm saying it, but not guaranteeing anything either.
- Incorporate weight training into my regular work out program. I hate weights. Less face it. I would rather run umpteen miles than lift a dumb bell if I had to, but to appease my husband, Bob Green, and oh myself I suppose - I will begin doing some form of weight training twice a week.
- Play the piano more often. Once reading. Love to do it, but why not make it a priority?
- Try new places to dine at with the husband or visit new places around the QCA.
- Keeping more track of my life's experiences whether on blogs or journals or something!

- Pay off one credit card!
- Train and complete a full marathon - knee permitting of course.
- Catch up on some of my scrapbooking and photos.
- Try my hand at landscaping and gardening this summer. Notice I said TRY. Most likely, I will try to find the easiest flowers to keep that look the nicest.
- Start a gratitude journal and stick to it.

Hmm...and I suppose there are a lot more, but right now those are the ones that spring to mind. I think they're realistic ones, so hopefully I'll be able to stick to them. We'll see...only 2009 will tell!

Wednesday, December 31, 2008

It's a Dog's Life.

No, I'm not talking about the hit, "Marley and Me." Although the book is very good - I'm talking about Kyson. Today, is our one year anniversary of having him! He went from being left home alone in a house to living it up sleeping in front of heaters, on down comforters and having full run of the house. When we adopted him, he weighed in at 63 whopping pounds. Now he is up to 80 lbs!

Honestly, he has been an ultimate joy, and Brad and I don't know what we'd do without him or how we landed such luck to have a dog that really does not destroy or get into things (knock on wood). We skipped the puppy stage (lucky us!) and we did not even have to potty train him (yes!) While he has mucho energy, he is very content as my lapdog as well at times...and if I'm up around the house, so is he. This is not always the case with Brad as he tends to blow him off during the day and go back to bed.

Yesterday, he had quite the adventure! We went and saw Aunt Amber's apartment and then went for a hike. By the time 5:00 hit, he was in on his bed fast asleep. No waiting for us last night.

I really can't believe a year has went seems we've had him much longer. I can honestly say that even though he has his moments of being my naughty dog, he also has made Brad and I smile every single day we have been around him, and that has been well worth everything!

Pictures include Kyson the day we adopted him and then one from this year living it up in front of the Christmas tree!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Since Christmas...

What has happened since the Christmas Eve post...
Went to Brad's family's Christmas. Took pictures of Kylie in cute dress and pigtails. Could not score a picture of Kylie smiling in front of tree or with me, but settled for what I got. Snacked on lots of food including cinnamon popcorn and roll-ups. Ate prime rib listening to the kids talk about what they hoped to get for Christmas from Santa. Listened to Ethan talk about his dog training tips. Listened to the unwrappings of numerous presents. Watched Kylie open baby dolls and bears. Watched Kylie get jealous of Ella holding the same baby dolls she had. Watched Hunter wait for a piece of biscuit on the coffee table. Watched Brad move it. Watched Kylie rock so cute on the rocking chair. Watched someone pick Kylie up after she took a nose dive off of the rocking chair. Carried around camera for a Child/Foster family picture. Put camera away and did not get family picture. Handed out Christmas cookies. Bundled back up. Went to my mom's house. Visited with the family and woke them up. Opened up Christmas presents such as a picnic basket, money, sonicare toothbrushes and olive oil holders. Sat around until 11:00 not sure doing what. Went home. Gave Kyson a treat. Hit the hay. Brad might have watched t.v. Woke up early. Stuffed Kyson's stocking. Brought it to bed and he opened it. I opened two remaining gifts from Brad. Packed up. Went to Brad's parents. Saw Kylie in a cute Dora the Explorer pajamas. Opened lots of gifts and took lots of pictures. Ate a yummy caserole. Packed up. Texted Amber. Went to the Walsten Christmas. Grabbed a memosa after giving away my coat. Delivered some Christmas cookies. Met my Dad's girlfriend. Opened presents. Got a grill! Sipped on more memosas. Sat at the kid's table for lunch. Talked smack with Amber and Brad. Ate shrimp cocktail. Played Wii Fit. Tried to hula. Visited more. Packed up. Headed home. Unpacked. Took a nap. Packed back up. Prepared Kyson. Brandon stopped by. Rode with us to my mom's. Met up with Amber and Mom at home. Watched Kyson almost knock ornaments off the tree. Opened presents. Ate chicken and noodles and potatoe bologna. Sipped Rodney Strong wine. Watched Mamma Mia. Crashed on the couch with mom and Kyson. Spent the night. Woke up. Ate egg gravey and potatoe bolgna. Called grandma and granpa. Watched MTV True Life. Packed up. Went home. Cleaned up. Shopped. Ate Azteca. Went to see Marley and Me.

And that was that.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

I'm Dreaming of a white Christmas...

Oh wait...I don't have to dream because there IS snow outside, on the ground, in the air and all over! It's Christmas Eve...the calm before the storm. Before all the rushing from place to place begins, there is quiet. I am in the house...alone...quiet...serene...I don't even hear the click of Kyson's nails or jingle of his tag right now...Ahhhh - okay I spoke to soon - there was the click-ity-click.

Break has been lovely so far. Catching up on some cleaning, reading books at leisure (finished Twilight and am working on Eat. Pray. Love) and believe or not I took a nap yesterday!

Tonight's festivities kick off at Brad's parents, then to my mom's...Tomorrow - we're heading to Brad's parents where I'm super excited to witness Kylie in all her Christmas glory...then to the Walsten's...then possibly Mary and Tim's and then a break in the afternoon. Finally, to cap it all off, we'll head to Mom's in the evening to celebrate with her, Amber and Brandon.

That's the break down for now...updates to surely come later following the festivities!